Sep 9,2022:
3N&M Innovation is pleased to announce that we entered into an agreement with
Aldagram. Inc (https://aldagram.com/en/) to promote and support project, construction and facility management App “ KANNA” in Canada.
KANNA helps facility management and construction companies to effectively organize project information (e.g. Images, drawings) and to effectively communicate (reduce time sending emails and making phone calls) .
More than 5,000 Japanese facility management and construction companies have installed KANNA already and KANNA has the highest rating in Japan in its category, with ”4.4” stars on Apple's App store.
Benefits of using KANNA
- You can create reports within a minute
- You can immediately find the information you need for projects you are working on
- You can instantly share information without the need to send documents to multiple sub contractors and project members
- You can check progress in real time without making visits to the site
【Promotion video】
【Introduction video】